Strict Reserve

It is this fragment of the forest that has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Today, this unique forest is representative of the old Europe, which grew on our continent centuries ago before civilization changed it.
Bison's ribs

It is a well-known path leading through the slightly wet areas of the Białowieża Forest. The route is about 4 km long, the beginning of the Żebra Żubra footbridge is located just a few kilometers beyond Białowieża towards the village of Budy.
Palace station

A revitalized station built for the arrival of Tsar Nicholas II to Białowieża, wooden and intricately decorated. A Knowledge and Fun Park and an English garden with Aleja Gwiazd Puszczy Białowieża was established nearby. We recommend for children!
Hut of Baba Yaga

A magical place on the edge of the Białowieża Forest in Orzeszkowo, where children can visit the famous Baba Jaga's Cottage. On site, there is a wide range of animation games and activities, combined with visiting the gingerbread cottage.
Forest Museum

The seat of the Nature and Forest Museum of the Białowieża National Park is a modern building in which the natural collection is presented in an innovative and attractive way.
in the field of zoology, botany, and historical use of the Forest.
Place of Power

A nature trail, the name of which means an area of positive radiation. One of the forest legends tells about a secret place where initiates used to gather to use their own power and stones arranged in a circle to ward off evil powers and all enemies.

Forest railway on the Hajnówka-Topiło 11km route. At the end of the route, tourists can organize a picnic in a charming place by the pond, and while traveling, take photos and admire the charms of the Forest. The whole trip takes about 3 hours.
Water Park

A swimming pool complex with slides for children and parents in nearby Hajnówka.
Bison Show Reserve

In the reserve, in conditions similar to natural, you can admire wisents, Polish horses such as tarpanie, deer, elk, roe deer, wild boar, wolves and lynx.
Royal Oaks

The Trail of Royal Oaks and Lithuanian Dukes is an educational path about 500 m long. The trail runs among several dozen beautiful, old oaks.

Manual draisines are light rail vehicles powered by the muscles of passengers. The shortest route to the Białowieża Pałac stop is 4 km (there and back). Other available routes: to Grudki (7 km, approx. 60 minutes both ways), to the Place of Power (14 km, approx. 2 hours), to Czerlonka (22 km, approx. 3.5 hours both ways).
Palace Park

Park in Białowieża, designed in the English style, as an integral part of the private hunting residence of the Tsars of Russia, built in 1889-1894. On its premises there is the Governor's Manor.